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Montana & Idaho Organizations
Montana Organizations

Are you looking for more information?  Have a problem you are having a hard time locating an answer?  Look through the following Montana resources and also the National resources or publications which will surely be able to address your concerns.

Montana Organizations
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FireSafe Montana is a private, non-profit organization coordinating and supporting a statewide coalition of diverse interests working together to help Montanans make their homes, neighborhoods, and communities fire safe.
When people take personal responsibility for applying and maintaining Firewise practices on their property, they greatly increase the chances of their homes surviving a wildfire.  Through its public information programs and materials, website, newsletter, and special events, as well as its active involvement in federal, state, and local fire mitigation efforts, FireSafe Montana is working hard to reduce the potential loss of life and property from wildfire in Montana.

The mission of the Montana Association of Land Trusts (MALT) is to promote and support excellence in private voluntary land conservation in Montana through leadership, collaboration, education and outreach.

MALT is a group of 12 separate nonprofit land trust organizations working on private land conservation and voluntary conservation agreements throughout the state of Montana.

The 12 land trusts work with private landowners to obtain conservation easements that maintain working farms and ranches, protect water quality, protect wildlife habitat, preserve open lands and retain the values that make Montana such an attractive place to live, work and recreate.

The Montana Forest Restoration Committee (MFRC) is primarily a volunteer consensus-based collaborative group, which was formed in January 2007 to help guide restoration of Montana’s National Forests.

Montana Forest Owners Association, Inc. is a Montana corporation organized in 1995 for the primary purpose of being a voice for non-industrial private forested land owners.  A secondary purpose of the MFOA is to offer private forest owners the opportunity to network with forest owners and other forestry groups to keep abreast of happenings in the forestry community.  

Founded in 1976, the Montana Logging Association (MLA) provides a unified voice for the family-owned businesses that harvest and transport timber from forest to mill in Montana. On behalf or our members, we interface with public agencies, legislative bodies and media sources. Member benefits include safety services, group insurance programs, and a comprehensive professional accreditation program. Our organization has an unbending commitment to forest stewardship. Logging has deep roots in Montana - it has been a part of our heritage for well over a century - and the MLA is planting the seeds that will ensure the future of this profession we call logging.

MSU Extension Forestry is a branch of the MSU Extension Service and is housed cooperatively with The University of Montana - College of Forestry and Conservation in Missoula, Montana.

The mission of Extension Forestry is to provide education and outreach to Non-industrial Private Forest Landowners around Montana. It is estimated that more than 50,000 landowners own 4 million acres of forestland in the state.

Extension Forestry provides forest landowner education programs ranging from core Forest Stewardship Planning Workshops to topic specific workshops like Windbreaks/Living Snowfences, Alternative Forest Management Practices, Wildfire Hazard Reduction, and Tree Pruning & Care.

The Montana Tree Farm program is a non-profit organization affiliated with the National Tree Farm System and American Forest Foundation. Our purpose is to help private forest landowners manage their lands with the goals of conserving forests, water, and wildlife while promoting natural resources based recreational opportunities.

The Montana Wood Products Association was founded in 1972 and serves as a major voice for the wood products industry while actively dealing with timber, logging, and wood products manufacturing issues in the public arena, and with state and federal government.

Mission Statement: To promote healthy forests and healthy communities through management of Montana’s forests.

Northwest Management Inc provides balanced solutions, technical staffing, and professional services to manage the challenges facing today’s forests and wildlands. We value the high-level results gained through cooperation of landowners, consultants, industry leaders, academics, and local governments. We believe sustainable solutions are achieved only through effectively balancing environmental, social, and economic values.

Northwest Management Inc is a visionary leader in forestland and environmental management, providing expertise in forestry, wildfire, water resources, wildlife, hazard management, and planning. More than 30 years of field experience throughout the western U.S., a well-established team of resource professionals, and the use of cutting-edge technology defines Northwest Management Inc and what we provide for every project no matter the size. 

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Idaho Organizations

The Idaho Forest Owners Association (IFOA) is working to find the answers to the many questions relating to private woodlands. IFOA is an association of forest landowners unified in their efforts to promote private forestry in Idaho, and legislation that helps achieve the goals of the Association.

Northwest Management Inc
Moscow, ID  | Phone: (208) 883-4488

Providing balanced solutions, technical staffing, and professional services to manage the challenges facing today’s forests and wildlands. We value the high-level results gained through cooperation of landowners, consultants, industry leaders, academics, and local governments. We believe sustainable solutions are achieved only through effectively balancing environmental, social, and economic values.

Northwest Management Inc is a visionary leader in forestland and environmental management, providing expertise in forestry, wildfire, water resources, wildlife, hazard management, and planning. More than 30 years of field experience throughout the western U.S., a well-established team of resource professionals, and the use of cutting-edge technology defines Northwest Management Inc and what we provide for every project no matter the size. 

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