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14th Annual Forest Landowner Conference

    Held Friday, April 19, 2024

Location: Delta Hotels Helena Colonial, 2301 Colonial Drive, Helena, MT

The Forest Stewardship Foundation invite you to attend the Fourteenth Annual Forest Landowner Conference.

Forest Landowner Conference

Becoming a Better Forest Steward

2024 Conference Agenda

Friday, April 19

  8:00 - 8:30 AM      Registration - Delta Colonial Front Lobby
  8:30 - 8:45 AM       Welcome - Executive Room
                                 - Ed Levert - Montana Forest Stewardship Foundation
  8:45 - 9:45 AM       Opening Session - Executive Room
                                   Montana DNRC Forestry/Trust Land Programs

                                   Shawn Thomas, State Forester

  9:45 - 10:00 AM     Break with Refreshments (Visit Silent Auction) - Capital/State Room


10:00 - 11:00 AM     Round 1 - Morning Breakout Sessions (Choose one)

                                    Session A:      Executive Room

                                                                 Perspectives on the Deadly Mann Gulch Fire 75 Years Later

                                                             Liz Burke, Conservation Educator-Helena-Lewis & Clark Forest

                                    Session B:      Legislative/Judicial Room

                                                                Montana Wood Products Market and Infrastructure Update

                                                                Sam Scott, University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research 


11:00 –12:00 PM     Round 2 - Morning Breakout Sessions (Choose one)


                                    Session A:     Executive Room

                                                                Forest Owls of Montana

                                                            Denver Holt, Owl Research Institute


                                    Session B:      Legislative/Judicial Room

                                                            Grant/Cost Share Opportunities for Forest Landowners

                                                                 Erik Warrington, MT Department of Natural Resource and Conservation &

                                                             Jason Glenn USDA- Natural Resource Conservation Service


12:00 - 1:30 PM        Luncheon with Speaker - Capital/State Room

                                       History of The UM Foresters Ball

                                     Sami Westphal, UM Forestry Club             


1:30 PM                     Close Silent Auctions


1:30 - 2:30 PM          Round 3 - Afternoon Breakout Sessions (Choose one)


                                   Session A:     Executive Room

                                                              Introduction to the FireSafe Montana Program

                                                               Pat McKelvey & Rocky Infanger, FireSafe Montana Board Members


                                   Session B:     Legislative/Judicial Room

                                                              Understanding the Forest Carbon Cycle

                                                               Scott Ferrenberg, Associate Director, Montana Forest Conservation Experiment Station


2:30 - 3:30 PM         Round 4 – Afternoon Breakout Sessions (Choose one)


                                  Session A:      Executive Rom

                                                          Forest Habitat Typing

                                                               John Goodburn, Associate Professor of Silviculture,

                                                           W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation


                                  Session B:        Legislative/Judicial Room

                                                              What's important to know about Forest Soils

                                                               Kelsey Martin & Vince Archer, Soil Scientists,

                                                           Helena-Lewis & Clark National Forest


3:30- 4:00PM         Closing Session - Executive Room

                                 Announce Silent Auction Winners - Closing Comments

Presented by:         

Forest Stewardship Foundation

A huge thank you to our many sponsors for supporting our event over the years:

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