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Forest Stewardship Workshop for Forest Landowners

Acquire Forest Management Skills to Conserve Your Forest 
Now and into the Future

Forest Stewardship workshops are developed and offered through MSU Extension Forestry.

​Why should I attend?


Learn about your forest, what species do you have, how are they growing, how old are your trees, what animals share your forest?
Establish your own objectives for your forest, inventory your forest, and write a plan to help you reach your goals and may qualify your forest land for cost share opportunities.
Receive a personalized site visit with a natural resource professional.


Discover more about...

Your forest consists of water, soil, plants, animals, trees and much more. Learn how they interact and impact forest health.

Fires and insect outbreaks are a reality in western forests. Learn more about influencing disturbance events and making your forest more defensible and resilient to their impacts.

Wildlife need food, water, cover, and space. Discover how you can enhance habitat for various species.

Learn about the trees on your property, their condition and what they need to thrive and regenerate.

Wildflowers, shrubs, seedlings, and weeds: forests have them all.
Learn to identify plants, enhance some, and control others.

What is a healthy forest? Use an inventory to take a critical look at the components of your forest. Assess its age, health risks, growth potential, and the options you have to improve its current condition.


Each workshop includes....
Home-study videos and instructions to prepare for class can be completed on your own schedule.

Day 1 Check-in: 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. & Indoor class 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Day 2 Outdoor 8 a.m. - noon & Indoor 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Between Days 2 and 3 Inventory your property.
You will be supplied with equipment necessary to perform a stewardship inventory on your property. This can be accomplished in the evenings after work for smaller properties (<20 ac.), or may take a couple days for larger properties.

Day 3 Indoor class 8 a.m. - noon & 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
On-site Consultation Following the Workshop - As Scheduled 
After you complete your plan, a Certified Stewardship Advisor will visit
you, at no additional cost, at your forest for about 2-6 hours. This is a great opportunity to consult with a resource professional about your objectives, your forest, and your Forest Stewardship Plan. For reporting purposes, you are asked to submit a copy of your plan to MSU Extension Forestry.

Workshop Registration Fee $110 per Ownership
Includes one set of course materials and a site visit to your property. Additional family members and/or partners representing the ownership are encouraged to attend at no additional cost. A duplicate set of workshop manuals are available at cost ($110). Registration fees are not refundable after the application deadline but can be applied toward a future workshop.


Workshop Dates and Locations;
            On-line Registration is Available!

Frenchtown - May 5 - 6 & 13
Please Register by April 22, 2022

Bozeman - June 2 - 3 & 10
Please Register by May 20, 2022

Kalispell - July 14 - 15 & 22
Please Register by July 1, 2022

Eureka - August 4 - 5 & 12
Please register by July 22, 2022

Kalispell - September 8 - 9 & 16
Please register by August 26, 2022

If you are interested in a learning experience like this:

register on-line visit:  MSU Educational Calendar

or for more information visit:  MSU Extension Forestry

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