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Upcoming Events

2018 Forest Stewardship Workshops
By the Montana State University


2018 Forest Stewardship Workshop Brochure

Bozeman: June 21st - 22nd and 29th
Columbia Falls: July 19 - 20th and 27th
Helena: August 9th - 10th and 17th

Forest Stewardship Workshop for Forest Landowners

“Empowerment of Forest Owners through Personal Involvement”

Workshop Dates and Locations
     June 15-16 & 23            Libby

     July 13-14 & 21             Columbia Falls

     August 10-11 & 18      Thompson Falls

More Details and Information

2019 Forest Stewardship Workshops
By the Montana State University

When: April 12, 2019
Where: Copper King Inn, Butte, Montana

We will be hosting a joint conference with the Society of American Foresters (SAF) in Butte at the Copper King Inn, April 12, 2019. 
This will be our 10th annual Landowner Conference and hope to see you there!

More details to follow, please check back often.


Mission Statement

The MISSION of the Forest Stewardship Foundation is to "educate and inform landowners, natural resource professionals and the general public about the science and ecology of forest lands, the many values derived from forested lands and the principles of sustainable forest land development."

DISCLAIMER:  As in the past, we again advise that this information is submitted for your interest only.  The Foundation's mission, as indicated above, is to "educate and inform", not to advocate or persuade.  The Foundation takes no position either endorsing or opposing, approving or disapproving, any of the assertions or arguments in the contributed information.

The Forest Stewarship Foundation is a Montana non-profit, public benefit Corporation qualified under the 501 (c) (3), IRS code.

The purpose of the Forest Stewardship Foundation's Journal is to educate and inform landowners, natural resource professionals and the general public about the science and ecology of forest lands, the many values derived from forested lands and the principles of sustainable forest land development.

Visit:  Previous Forest Steward's Journals

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